The Effect of Annealing on 5083 Cast Aluminum Plate

5083 cast aluminum plate belongs to Al-Mg non-heat-treatable reinforced deformed aluminum alloy. It features light weight, medium strength, good formability, corrosion resistance, welding performance, etc., so it is widely used in vehicles, ships, aerospace and other transportation fields.

After the 5083 aluminum sheet is deformed by cold rolling, the strength is increased while the plasticity is reduced, which brings difficulties to the subsequent cold deformation processing such as deep drawing. Therefore, it is often necessary to anneal the sheet before the forming process to improve the forming performance of the 5083 sheet.

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The cold-rolled 5083 aluminium sheet has high tensile strength and yield strength. he tensile strength is 412 Mpa, the yield strength is 390 MPa, and the elongation is only 8%. After annealing at 270℃/1 h and 300℃/1 h, the mechanical properties of the plates have changed greatly. Both the tensile strength and yield strength of the plates are significantly reduced, while the elongation is significantly increased.

When the sheet is annealed above 300℃, the tensile strength and yield strength still decrease, and the elongation is increased, but the change is not obvious. The tensile strength remains at about 300~310 Mpa, and the yield strength is 140~150 Mpa, the elongation is about 23%~25%.

From the above tests, we can get the following conclusions:

1. 5083 aluminum plate with a deformation of 80% begins to recrystallize after annealing at 270℃/1 h. As the annealing temperature rises, the degree of recrystallization becomes higher. After annealing at 360℃/1 h, complete recrystallization is achieved. When the temperature rises further, the crystal grains begin to become coarse.

2. When the 5083 plate is annealed in the range of 270℃~300℃, the strength is obviously reduced, while the elongation increases, and the mechanical properties of the annealed sheet in the range of 300℃~390℃ do not change significantly.

3. The cold-rolled 5083 sheet with 80% deformation is prone to bottom fracture during deep drawing. After annealing the sheet in the range of 330℃~390℃, the deep drawing performance of the sheet is significantly improved.

4. After the 5083 sheet is annealed at 360℃/1 h, the deformation texture is weakened, and the cubic texture ({001}<100>) and the rotating cubic texture ({001}<110>) are enhanced, which is beneficial to the improvement of deep drawing performance.

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