ER 5356 VS 4043 Welding Wire

4043 alloy is an aluminum filler alloy with 5% silicon added, and ER5356 welding wire is an aluminum filler alloy with 5% magnesium added. 5356 welding wire is a general purpose filler alloy designed for welding 5XXX series alloys where 40Ksi (276MPa) tensile strength is not required.

When the filler alloy selection table allows for the use of either 4043 or 5356 as a filler alloy for a particular base alloy, as a guide, we may wish to consider the following facts about all of these filler alloys:

ER5356 welding wire.jpg

1. Color match. If you are concerned about the best color match after post-weld anodizing, you should not use 4043 because this filler alloy typically turns a dark gray after the anodizing process. 5356 provides a closer color match after anodizing.

2. Temperature. 4043 aluminum welding wire is suitable for service temperatures above 65.6℃(150℉), while 5356 is not suitable for these high temperature applications due to its 5% magnesium content.

3. Ductility. 4043 is less ductile than 5356. This may be a consideration if post-welding forming is to be performed.

4. Shear strength. 4043 aluminum has less shear strength than 5356. This may be considered when calculating the size of a fillet weld.

5. Weldability. 4043 aluminum wire generally offers a higher weldability rating with slightly lower crack sensitivity. 4043 generally forms welds with improved appearance, smoother surfaces, less spatter, and less smearing. For this reason, welders sometimes prefer to use it.

6. 5356 aluminum wire can be used for MIG or TIG welding, has good seawater corrosion resistance, and can generally be used for welding base materials 5050, 5052, 5083, 5356, 5454 and 5456. It is white in color after anodizing and has a tensile strength of 290MP.

7. The direct factor affecting crack sensitivity is the matching of the base material and the welding wire. The ER4043 welding wire with a silicon content of 5% has a lower melting temperature than the 6061 alloy and has higher plasticity during the cooling process, so it has good crack resistance. Welcome to leave message below to inquire aluminum wire price per pound.

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