5083 and 5052 Aluminum Sheet

In the chemical composition of 5052 aluminum alloy, except for Si, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn, the main added element is Mg, which plays a major strengthening role. A small amount of Cr and Ti elements are added to play a certain grain refinement role. In the chemical composition of 5M52 aluminum alloy, the Mg content is reduced, and some Mn elements are added to improve the material strength, recrystallization temperature, and alloy density.

Due to the slight increase in density, the corrosion resistance will be more prominent than that of 5052 alloy. The tensile strength and yield strength of 5052 and 5M52 are relatively small under the same thickness, and the elongation and hardness of 5M52 are slightly lower than those of 5052.

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By comparing the 5052 h32 aluminium sheet and 5M52H32 aluminum sheet and their 90-degree bending with a thickness of 1.5mm, the two alloys have delicate and smooth surfaces after bending, without cracking, orange peel and other defects.

The marine grade aluminum 5083 not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also has good environmental performance.

Recyclability: Aluminum is one of the recyclable materials, and 5083 aluminum alloy is no exception. Its recyclability means that discarded 5083 aluminum alloy can be recycled and reused to reduce resource consumption and environmental impact. This helps reduce waste generation and reduce the exploitation of natural resources.

Low-energy production: Manufacturing 5083 aluminum alloy requires relatively low energy consumption. Aluminum production generally requires less energy, so manufacturing 5083 aluminum alloy may have a lower carbon footprint than some other metals.

Long life and corrosion resistance: The corrosion resistance of 5083 aluminum alloy means that in some applications, 5083 aluminum alloy parts have a longer life, reducing the frequency of parts replacement, thereby reducing the consumption of resources.

Lightweight design: The low density of 5083 aluminum alloy makes it an ideal choice for lightweight design. In shipbuilding, automotive manufacturing, aerospace and other fields, the use of 5083 aluminum alloy can reduce the weight of the structure, improve fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It should be noted that although 5083 aluminum alloy has environmental performance in many aspects, its production and processing, such as electrolytic aluminum production, still involves energy consumption and environmental impact. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of life cycle analysis as well as resource conservation and reuse can more comprehensively evaluate its environmental performance.

Original Source:https://www.marinealu.com/a/5083-and-5052-aluminum-sheet.html

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